Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sleeping beauty

She's such a heavy sleeper at night, and sleeps so lightly in the daytime, it's almost baffling sometimes. The loud click of the camera when I took this startled her, and she just sunk right back into dreamland. There's no way I'd get away with that during the daytime. If I tried it, she'd look at me and say, "Nice one, Mom. Just for that, why don't you try nursing me for 20 minutes before I go back to sleep, eh?" And if I don't put her to sleep in her swing during the day - let's say I lay her in her crib or in the crook of the couch - she only sleeps for 10-20 minutes. But in her swing she can pull off an hour, maybe more, maybe less. But put her in her crib when the sun's still up? Fogettaboutit.

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