Friday, July 30, 2010

Yellowstone Day 2

Jane slept through most of the photo opps at Yellowstone. This is us waiting for Old Faithful to go off. Although, while we were waiting here, a squirrel terrorized us. It was inside the building and is apparently used to handouts. It came within inches of my legs and even under our chairs, and I was shouting, "Go away!" while Michael shouted, "You have rabies!" which makes me laugh because I don't think that squirrel knew or cared. It was entirely too close to my baby, though, and finally a staff member came and started chasing it around the room. The squirrel led that poor girl on a merry chase.

I thought she'd definitely wake up when we went to Artists Point, but even though we took her car seat out of the car and put it in the stroller, and rolled her all the way to the point, past noisy laughing tourists, she never woke up! She is usually a pretty light sleeper, but I guess she just really needed some beauty rest.

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