Friday, September 10, 2010


I gave Jane a bath yesterday, her first one outside of the baby tub in the REAL tub.  She learned to splash (fun!), and play with the rubber ducky (pink!), and she also played with the running water from the faucet for a full 10 minutes and learned that she can't catch it and hold it in her hand (very important detail).
Michael gave her a bath today and took a few pictures.  He set the water at a good temperature and left the faucet on, but our pipes like to do what we call the sneaky temperature change of DEATH, and got really hot.  You can see that Jane's hand is red in the picture. 
I saw a baby on TV accidentally put her hand into a stream of hot water, and her face crumbled up and she yanked her hand back and started crying.  It broke my heart.
Jane?  She has NO REACTION WHATSOEVER.  She's like, "I bet I could just keep my hand in there until it melts off.  Let's see."  Look how enthralled she is.  She takes after her mama, liking bathwater so much. =)

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