Friday, November 26, 2010

You make messy look beautiful

I thought it was so funny when I saw how many crackers ended up stuck to her body as opposed to in her mouth, I had to take a picture:

Jane has been learning how to feed herself with the crackers.  At first she'd pick on up and bring it to her mouth, but didn't realize that she needed to turn her hand towards her face so that the food could get in.  She'd just bring the back of her hand to her mouth and the cracker in her palm couldn't get in.  So just this week she's learned that she needs to turn her hand around!  Today I saw her very consciously look at her hand and then rotate her wrist so her palm was facing her mouth before she tried to eat.  Amazing.

How did that cracker end up on her nose?  I often wonder how bits of food manage to get stuck in her hair or in her eyebrows.  You can see her two bottom teeth in the photo below.  She now has two teeth up top to match!

Jane, I love you even covered in mushy bits of crackers.

1 comment:

D & C said...

I always wonder how all that food ends up in her chair! I'm sitting there the whole time, and food sneaks down to the chair.