Sunday, July 11, 2010

Special Double Feature

Today we have two videos for you.

First: kissing the baby in the mirror.

Jane has been giving kisses lately. Big, sloppy, wet kisses. It's pretty much the best thing ever. So today when she was laying in the playset, she caught sight of that cute baby in the mirror, and she couldn't help spreading the love a little bit.

Second: she's just not a banana girl.

I gave Jane some more banana today, and she really looked heartbroken when I put that stuff in her mouth. I have NEVER seen her so sad. Seriously, she just looked at me like, "Why would you do that, Mom? Haven't I been a good baby? Am I not being sweet and cute enough? Because why else would you subject me to this mushy torture?"

So later in the day we gave her some watermelon... and holy cow. She couldn't act more differently. She sucked on that baby like there was no tomorrow. She gummed it slowly and I could feel the steady cruunch muunch on the watermelon as the membranes popped, and then she suucked and sucked out the yummy juices. And then she grabbed at it and squeezed it, like possibly she could stuff it any faster into her mouth. At one point she worked off a little corner and started choking, and I had an almost-panic-attack, but she coughed it out. Yes, we are trying to be careful. But how can I deny her when she LOVES it so much?


Adam said...

Totally awesome.

Jacque said...

too bad for bananas, but at least she gets to eat!!! yum!

Kylen and Adrienne said...

those videos are so stinkin cute! Have you seen those little things @ Walmart in the baby feeding section? Don't remember what they're called, but it's a little mesh pouch you can stick pieces of melon or fruit in and has a little handle for baby to hold and eat those kinds of things without choking. You should check it out since she likes melons so much.