Friday, August 20, 2010

Tooth watch, Day 2

No, not a good night.  And her naps are all screwed up, too, because if the slightest thing wakes her up during a nap she's up for hours, even if it's only been 15 minutes.  So I patrol the house like Psycho Mom looking for Disturbers of the Peace and then ring their necks, pull out their cords, and gut them if at all possible/ remove batteries.  But I can't really do anything about jagged bone pushing its way through her flesh while she's sleeping.

So she's had very little sleep.  Today she woke up screeching from a nap, way too early, presumably from tooth pain, but after awhile she started to calm down and talk to herself.  Her baby talk has gotten really distinct lately, especially her consonants.  Just within the last couple of days I've really heard some consistent 'mamas' and 'babas.'  So I took a video of her talking to herself after this nap (babababa...) and it's pretty cute.  You can't see anything as it's so dark, but her little voice is so cute.

Once I did get her up from her nap, she seemed pretty happy:

And then I turned on one of her baby movies:

And then she found a book:

And decided to have a snack:

How many people can say they enjoy a book and a movie at the same time?


D & C said...

Pretty darn cute!

Ross and Kathy said...

I still can't believe that she ever has a fussy moment. She's just all smiles - all the time.

Kylen and Adrienne said...

That talking is too cute! Yep, teething is an adventure, that's for sure!

Jacque said...

Her talking is sooo sweet. And I love that comment about enjoying a book and movie at the same time. Such talent!