Monday, August 16, 2010


Jane got to play with her Aunt Erika and Uncle Doug and her cousins while Mommy and Daddy got to go see a movie today!  It was my 4th movie since Jane was born.  (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World).  Thanks, Barneys!

p.s. I forgot to tell you when I was at the store on Saturday, a lady stopped me and said, "You make GOOD BABIES!" while ogling Jane.  It was only a little awkward... like what response should I have given?  "Well it's due to this great uterus of mine!"  I think that would have matched her comment pretty well.  Or maybe, "Just doing my civic duty."

Just kidding, she was way nice and I thanked her.


Adam said...

this made me lol

Jacque said...

too bad you can't market your baby making skills. hehe "I make good babies, give me money!!" ;)