Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Book worm

Today we decided to tackle the blanket peek-a-boo video, and it came out pretty nicely, except Jane seems a little more quiet than usual. She is normally squealing in glee the entire time, so you can add that in mentally as you watch.

I've also been meaning to get a video showing how well Jane can turn pages.  She's been able to do it really well for a couple of months, and it seems a little silly to do a video now when it's been happening for awhile.   But we took a video last night anyway.

To everything (turn, turn, turn) there is a season (turn, turn, turn) And a time for every purpose under heaven.  Turn those pages, baby Jane!


Jacque said...

She's a librarian in the making! hehe I couldn't resist. I think it's pretty sweet that she played peek a boo with me when I got her up at Mom's house. She didn't smile or giggle much, but so sweetly let me into her little world after waking up. =)

Hugs from mom said...

For some reason I have a feeling she'll be reading as soon as she's talking. How could she not with so many good books around her? She's a doll!

D & C said...

OK. Did she just say "Moo"? Wow! Turning pages by herself.

Ross and Kathy said...

VERY CUTE - but then, you knew that. Thanks for the pics.

D & C said...

Jane sometimes plays peek-boo with me and turns pages of a book, but she's much more animated with her mommy. That's OK. I'll take what I can get. Love these videos!!

Jacque said...

just showed the peek a boo video to Alex and he said, "She loves her blanky."