Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Houston, we have Rollover!

Jane rolled over for the first time today! This morning I laid Jane on the floor on her back, and a minute later Michael said, "Breanne...!" and I looked down and she was on her tummy! Neither of us saw her do it, Michael had just looked up from his homework and saw her on her belly. But I did take a picture of the fruit of her labors:

Woo! Later in the day, though, I was lucky enough to catch her SECOND rollover on video. Sorry about the fact that I freak out a little.


Jacque said...

So awesome! What a big girl!!!

Kylen and Adrienne said...

Yay! It IS such a big deal...I remember the exact same thing happened with Kathryn, just took me by surprise and I RAN like heck into the other room to grab the camera. She's growing up so fast!

Ross and Kathy said...

Too Cool!

amy jo said...

I can't believe how grown up she is already and I still haven't got to meet her. : (