Monday, December 20, 2010

First Present At Home

Based on the advice of a friend, we decided to spread out Jane's gift-opening over a few days.  We thought it would be better than having her open something and be excited about it and wanting to play with it, and then pulling it out of her hands and handing her a new present.  And since my three-gifts-only rule (ha ha) didn't exactly pan out, we started with Jane's first gift a few days early.

This is a long, boring video of her playing with her first Christmas present, taken in a much-too-dark room.  But hey, it's really hard to get enough light in that room after dark, so we get what we get.  Notice how Jane can use one finger, stuck out in a pointing position to play the keys.  She does this at our big piano.  I think she saw me using one finger and so that's what she did, too.  I can actually take her hand in mine and she'll stick her finger out and we can do scales on the piano with her finger.  The girl is destined to play, I tell you. 

I just realized that today she copied my finger-usage again (the 28th of December).  She was trying to press a button on one of her toys with her index finger, and I hit it with my thumb, so then she started using the thumb on her right hand, and then the thumb on her left hand.  Copy cat!

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