Friday, December 17, 2010

In which I pretend that Jane knows sign language

I've tried to teach Jane some signs.  We've watched the videos.  I'm not really hell-bent on her signing, she makes herself pretty clear most of the time.  But if there's any sign that I've really tried to teach her, it's the sign for "more."  It looks like you're clapping, except that your fingertips are pointed towards each other.  Which is the whole problem, because Jane confuses it with clapping, which means general happiness, excitement, or approval.  So when I try to teach her the sign for "more," she thinks I mean clapping/happy.  Whatever.

So the other day I was giving her little crackers and she was babbling, and I wanted to catch her baby-talk on video.  But instead it looks like she does the sign for "more."  I would really like to play this off as Jane being totally brilliant, but the truth is that I think it was sort of a fluke.  But what do I know?

Also here's a little video of some fun with Jane with a demonstration of her very accurate clapping technique:

And just because we need a photo for this post:

1 comment:

Kylen and Adrienne said...

Yup, she was definitely signing in that first one. Most babies start signing "more" by pointing one finger into the other palm, and eventually they work their way up to where both hands' fingers are touching. Awesome job, Jane!