Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 6

Jane seems so mature and responsible to me now. Today she fawned over the baby, talking to him in baby talk, touching and kissing him, and giving him hugs and tickles. She does it all so delicately, she barely touches him. I was walking past Michael in the hall today, and he asked me if the baby was sleeping, and Jane (just down the hall) said, "No, he's having wake-time." lol. I didn't even realize she knew our term for when Colin's awake. Jane still has toddler difficulties, power struggles and such, but where Colin is concerned she is very patient and caring. I have such great kids. :)


Ross and Kathy said...

How Cool Is That!

Hannah said...

I love her curly little ponytail! And what a good big sister! A friend of mine has two boys and the older one had a hard time with the new baby. I'm so glad to hear that Jane is a natural at gently loving Colin. Precious.