Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jane's first haircut

That's right.  In all of Jane's 2 and 3/4 years we have never cut her hair.  But it's been getting a bit unruly lately and so we took her to our friend Kelly to have a little trim and a few layers put in.

Jane was such a good girl and sat still for the entire cut.  Kelly was very impressed!  I explained that Jane takes her beauty regimen very seriously. =)

Jane needed to look down for a lot of the cut, and she did such a good job!

Kelly put in some mousse to make her curls stand out a bit, and then she added some silver sparkles!  Jane looked beautiful.

Jane's hair doesn't look drastically different, but we didn't want to cut too much off the bottom because we were afraid of losing her sweet curls at the bottom of her hair.  But now it's a little cleaner and Jane had fun - for the rest of the day she kept asking for, "cut my hair?  Again?"

Colin and Daddy came for the haircut, too.  I'm pretty sure it was Colin's first time leaving the house since we got home from the hospital.  Thankfully it was a quick trip because Mommy is still hurting a bit, and I was happy to get back home and rest again.  Here's your Colin fix for the day:

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