Friday, September 24, 2010

Hello My Name Is:

Seeing as how Jane has had a post about her almost every day of her life, there's lots that you probably already know about her.  So my challenge today is to think of 7 things you may not know about Jane.

1. Her very favorite things to play with are things that she is NOT supposed to play with. How does she know? How can she tell the difference between the real phone and the baby toy phone?
2. Whenever her mom and dad are talking about her on the phone, we refer to her as "that baby."
    "How is that baby?"
    "Did that baby take her nap?"
    It's a term of endearment.
3. Sometimes she sleeps on her side. I have no idea how she gets that way.
4. One week ago she learned how to crawl, and suddenly she is an expert and we can't baby-proof things fast enough.
5. She'll laugh if she hears someone else laughing, even if she doesn't know why.
6. Her favorite food is pears.
7. She knows how to turn the pages of books and often does it for me while I'm reading her a story.


Ross and Kathy said...

Many of your revelations about Jane seem to be in question form. I think the answer is simple, Jane is a genius.

Jacque said...

Awwww so sweet. She looks so innocent in the last photo, like "What? I can't help it! I was just born this cute."

D & C said...

Is her hair getting blonder?