Thursday, September 30, 2010

Whine and kisses

When I took this I said, "Hey, why aren't there any cute pictures of Jane and ME lately?"
Michael said, "Because you're the one behind the camera all the time."
Well that's easily remedied, MICHAEL.  Hint hint.

I came downstairs to find Jane kissing herself in the mirror on the floor.  I leave the room for one minute and she becomes Narcissus!  After I sat down to take pictures, she rocked back and forth, going below the mirror, then slowly popping her head back up to see the baby there.  Then going back down below the mirror, then slowly moving back up and locking eyes with the cute baby.

Jane got a dolly from Grandma yesterday, it's baby-sized to her.  Every time we give it to her she smiles at it, grabs it, and gives it kisses!  She kisses it more than she kisses me!  I wonder where she learned all that baby-kissing from.


Adam said...

Narcissus? Way to get all mythological up in this blog.

And now I've just lost 10 minutes of my life to the Wikipedia entry for Narcissus.

Breanne said...

Yikes, I didn't know I'd be throwing a wrench in everyone's day by referencing mythology! Mom emailed me to say that Narcissus is a flower, and asked if I meant to say narcissist. So I had to send HER the wikipedia article!

Maybe I should make the word a link.

Hugs from mom said...

Go ahead and make the link. It'll save me the time looking it up. :) And, btw, she's cute.

Ross and Kathy said...

Great Photos! BTW - I knew what you meant anyway. Some people are just way too picky.

Hugs from mom said...

Thanks for the link. It makes everything so much clearer.

D & C said...

I knew what you meant, too. Hmm. I wonder if both words have the same root?
Jane's way too adorable!!