Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Night vision

It's kind of amazing that my camera can pick up anything when I take these pictures. The room is actually darker than what you see here.

I come in before I go to bed because she likes to kick her blankets off of her legs.  We are out of jammies with legs that fit her right now, and sometimes by the morning her legs are little ice cubes.  She also likes to cover her face with her blankets.  I tried to explain the SIDS danger to her, but she doesn't seem to care.  So I rearrange or add blankets as needed.  But I do love just standing there and watching her sleep for a few moments.  I wonder if we could achieve World Peace if everyone just had a cute little sleeping baby to look at.


D & C said...

What a great idea. It certainly works for me!

Ross and Kathy said...

Great Pics! Especially with Adam. He should get one of those for himself.