Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Last day of her first year

Writing this post is making me very sad. It's hard to believe it's really true. In less than an hour, at 12:04am, Jane will be one whole year old. In some ways I can't believe it's here already, and in other ways it feels like it's been forever, and that so much has happened. My mom always pushed down on my head when I was growing up and she'd say, "stop growing!" I've been thinking about that a lot in the past couple of weeks. I understand it so much better now. This girl is growing like a weed, and while I love every new thing she can do and every new day with her, some part of me is sad that I no longer have the snuggly lump of sleepiness, or the baby that would reach up gingerly and bat at her toys. It's almost like every few months she is a whole new person, and it's kind of sad that I won't ever hold or see Jane that way again.

But times, they are a-changing!  And even though the list of things she can do grows longer and longer every day, there are still some things that remain consistent:
Jane is a positive, happy, joker of a girl! She loves to giggle and make jokes, and she wants to explore new places and be with people.  She loves children, has always loved to stare into their faces and have them talk to her, and she loves looking at babies as well.  If Michael or I am sad, she'll come and look up into our faces as if to say, "Hey, don't feel bad.  There's a whole world out there and we can go play in it!  Let's go!"  It's hard to not be happy when you're with Jane.  It makes me think of that song from Mary Poppins, but I have to put Jane's name in instead:

Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Janie!
Janie makes your heart so light
when the day is gray and ordinary
Janie makes the sun shine bright!

Oh, happiness is blooming all around her,
the daffodils are smiling at the doves...
Oh it's a jolly holiday with Janie, 
no wonder that it's Janie that we love!

Love you, baby.


Barney Family said...

Happy Birthday, Jane!!

Hugs from mom said...

Happy Happy Birthday Janie dear!

Jacque said...

You made it! Jane is 1 year old! Woohoo! This next year will be just as amazing as the last. Just when you think she can't get any cuter, she will!! =)

Ross and Kathy said...

WOW! One year old. Time flies when you're having fun.

Kylen and Adrienne said...

Holy COW! I can't believe that! Happy Birthday, cutie pie!