Monday, January 24, 2011

A girl of many talents

Today Jane dropped a toy and walked over to get it.  She went just a little too far past it, and it was between her feet, so when she bent over to pick it up her forehead bonked the floor.  Whoops!  She didn't mind, though, and still managed to grab it, propped up by her forehead on the floor and her tush up in the air.  It was so darn cute!

Remember how I said Jane could do the ring-thing?  You know, put the rings on the stick-thingy?  What do you mean you don't know what I'm talking about?  Well, a video is worth a million words:

Also, did I ever tell you how Jane dances, bobbing up and down?  Well, she does.  Back in November I picked up a Christmas-themed Baby Einstein video for Jane to watch for the holidays.  She fell in LOVE with it.  I mean forever, taking-it-to-college kind of love.  So the Christmas video has made it past the holiday season and is still getting lots of use each week and Jane still LOVES it.  I started singing along to "Jingle Bells" today and when Jane started dancing I just happened to have the camera nearby.

And yes, I think that my singing sounds like crap here.  But I will publicly humiliate myself because Jane is just so cute and I already tried it without the sound and it just looks weird.  Oh well!

1 comment:

Jacque said...

Hey, you sound better than some of the contestants on American Idol, well, I guess that's not saying much. ;) She's a cutie!